Gunnar Trommer was the first dedicated health care hire at Boston Consulting Group’s business build group, BCG Digital Ventures (BCG DV), now part of BCG X. BCG X brings design, technology, entrepreneurial and startup thinking, and management consulting together to create, launch, and scale transformational digital products and businesses in areas that drive enterprise value for BCG’s corporate clients and help the broader society.

贡纳是卫生保健/消费者健康专家,一个d leads BCG X’s Health Care practice in North America. He founded the health care vertical for DV, and is responsible for innovating, building, and commercializing digital solutions for pharmaceutical, medtech, payer, and provider organizations. He has built up the firm’s expertise in digital health, covering design for patients and clinicians, health care compliant data transmission, storage, and analytics, as well as curating a network of partners across the clinical and technical digital health ecosystem.

Gunnar previously worked in the Cologne office of BCG from 2001 to 2005. For the following decade and before joining DV in 2015, he held executive roles at and was on the board of multiple digital health startups. Before that, he was Vice President of Marketing and Product Management for Draeger Medical’s global

Patient Monitoring and Information Technology business. He is an inventor, and holds multiple patents for medtech devices.


  • PhD, summa cum laude, production engineering, Technical University Aachen
  • MSc, engineering, University of California, Berkeley
  • MSc、机械工程技术nical University Aachen


  • Borchers Badge, Technical University Aachen
Deep Expertise, Broad Experience